Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I thought that I was increasing my tolerance and patience on things in life, but lately I have grown to have very minute levels of tolerance when it comes to dealing with certain people. I mean, I really just want to fucking smack the shit out of some of the people that I deal with, it’s so fucking sickening to me. There is just a wide array of people that have gotten on my nerves lately and a few of the examples”

And I can’t say that I am really pissed of about something I just can’t bare to deal with these people anymore.

- fucking morons who have jobs in places that they have no business even shopping. Stupid assholes who work at places like Lowe’s and Home Depot who don’t know the difference between a nail and a screw and stand there trying to give you advice on some home remodeling stuff that they have not fucking clew about.

- Sorry ass technicians who work at the Geek squad in Best Buy, whose highlight of the day is to install windows XP and some drivers for the customer’s new wireless keyboard and mouse which they just happily purchased at Best Buy.

- Fucking high-schoolers and GED dropouts who have the nerve and balls to give me some bullshit advice about LCD vs. Plasma televisions. Spitting out terms like resolution, DLP, HD, 1080p. Some stupid feedback that they read about in a blog or looked up Sony’s manual about their technology. Dude shut the fuck! and let me do my shopping like I told you the first 3 times. .

- slow as traffic impeding motherfuckers who do not know how to drive, who pull out in the middle of the road in hopes of making the light but just end up looking STUPID! by blocking the intersection because the cars are backed up in front of them. MOTHERFUCKER READ THE SIGN, IT SAYS “DO NOT BOCK DRIVE”.

- carefree morons who refuse to get over to the slow lanes while going exactly the speed limit in the left lane of a major freeway

- corporate America workers who are full of fucking shit and pad every little word that comes out of their mouth, the exact same bunch of grimy smelly shit that comes out of my ass just happens to land on their tongues. They will stroke your cock while you face them, but as soon as you turn around they will fuck you in the ass with the biggest dildo they have.
I try to stay as pure as possible, but at times I have to play the necessary evil piano. I am a victim of this environment because it pays the bills for right now.

- managers who have been in their jobs for way too long and need to go do something in life, and stop making the world around them stale

- managers who act like your lawyers by constantly repeating the phrases like “can’t promise”, “no guarantee”, “not sure”, “possibly but not for certain”. I man god damn!!!!

- drunk sluts dancing in clubs acting obnoxious as fuck and hoeing around with their groupie ass scandalous girlfriends trying to find dudes who will buy them drinks. You are nothing but a hoe, not a woman, a shameless hoe. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH ME OR APPROACH ME.

- broke ass motherfukcers without jobs who ask for money and never pay it back. They come up with shitty excuses on how they don’t have your money, but in reality they just went out and bought some clothes or drinks or other stupid shit. They lie to your face saying how they will pay you next week, but when next week comes they come up with more sultry excuses.


So far the is the list and I will keep adding more categories as I think of htem.

I am putting a defense mechanism in place because I do not want these types of people rubbing off on me. I am serious! They can bring you down on their level and just grow on you like bacteria. That is something that I want to completely avoid at all necessary costs.

Call me crazy, but I way to real to deal with this shit. I should have become a doctor because that is one profession that does not dish out any bullshit due to the seriousness of typical situations they are involved in. Or a teacher, because they have to present facts and not bullshit their students, although some do.

I am not corporate America

I am not politics

I am not justice system

I am not sales and advertisement

All these sectors of life are FULL OF SHIT. I am the corporate America that only few corporate America’s are ready for, not mainstream