Friday, October 19, 2007

What will the humans do?

As the world slowly depletes the natural resources people are starting to get alarmed on how they will survive in the future. There are really two major notions going on in the world and unfortunately they are contradicting each.

One notion is globalization becoming a critical aspect of sustainability for many countries as they depend on other countries to provide resources, raw materials, outsourcing cheap labor, financial markets, e-commerce and other various aspects of the economy that keep a country running.

The other notion is that in addition to United States major countries like China, Japan, India, Middle Eastern Regions, South Korea, and parts of South America are starting to emerge as powerful empires that have are becoming significant key players in the oligopoly type competition in the world markets. We are running into risky situations where the leaders for these countries are getting too ambitious in making threats, building armies, establishing trade barriers and tariffs to the level of a dictatorship type control. It becomes even worse if they feel that they are at a threat of getting resources for their own survival which might lead them to attacking other countries to satisfy their basic needs of life.

It is evident that United States is the front runner and pilot so to speak because it is doing exactly what it needs to do in order to establish long term survival. A prime example is the war in Iraq. We forced our way on someone else's ground to take control of what was rightfully not ours. Furthermore, the heavy importing of resources like gold, diamonds, oil, steel, and human resources in the servicing industry from other countries enabling them to preserve much of their own resources. They want to position satellite guided missiles in strategic parts of Russia and claim that its protection against terrorism. In reality it’s just a ploy to have more immediate military control across the world. It’s a great strategy if you choose to continue to become a heavy predator.

Their basic strategy leads to one of the most fundamental theories “survival of the fittest”. At the end of the day when you have exhausted all other places around the world, you have now positioned yourself in a dominant domain of running the show so to speak. You are now becoming solely the most powerful empire in the world that is rich in resources which were drained from other parts around the world that now require it.

What were once third world countries, are now gaining supremacy and will no longer tolerate any more selfish acts from other counties and protect themselves to the best of their ability by emerging as predators. You can see the contradicting elements by understanding that globalization which is highly based on cooperation cannot purely exist, excel, and prevail if countries are competing for survival by all means necessary even if they have to eliminate someone that they once depended on.

So what will the future reveal? Will we work cohesively as a single species helping each other out through the idea of globalization and nurture the thriving nature of human mankind for many generations to come? or will the competition for global resources going to converge with the evil nature of mankind leading to barbaric societies that will eventually destroy planet Earth that was created billions of years ago?

It’s a tough question to answer because both concepts are currently at play, that is to say counties are cooperating and working with each through international trade policies, but at the same time people are killing each other and trying to eliminate races and countries.

One thing I know for sure is that as a young generation we need to get involved in the issues around the world whether it is health care, starvation, protecting the environment, establishing peace treaties, poverty, inequality, population control, or whatever else you feel is important because it will impact not only our lives, but the lives of our children and grandchildren and the ultimate gift of nature that gave you life.

Sex, drugs, alcohol, money, and entertainment are all gifts that help dilute the reality and give us a great sensation. Enjoy those gifts at moderate levels, but in return try to make a difference on the issues at hand so that when you die, you die with a purpose like the soldiers who are keeping you alive to give you chance to make the difference.

1 comment:

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