Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Real Estate Jokers

Ok, so if I hear one more time from another person that it is taking me way too long to remodel my house and that I just need to move in please do not get mad at me if I either ignore your ignorant comments which lack factual data to back it up or blow up in your face. You obviously have no concept of the scope of my remodeling, budget limitations and overruns, resource unavailability, time constraints, dependencies and balancing other life priorities.

So the next time you want give me your 2 cent real estate opinion just save the noise and give me $25,000 cash so I can hire 10 different contractors to finish the place according to your time standards. And if you are not going to do that, then just please spare me your pointless unconstructive feedback. If you do not have anything to contribute like physical labor or financing then please do not complain, go back to your apartment or house or condo and do your own remodeling at your own pace.

I am the project manager and the execution will be based on MY blue prints, budgets, time, materials, costs, contractors, and all the other stuff.

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